Tag: croatia

Apartman od 43 kvadrata u Krvavici kod Makarske Hadžibajrić je kupio je za 80.000 eura, a veći dio potječe od pozajmice koju je dobio njegov sin Seid na deset godina bez kamate (Foto: Dženat Dreković / CIN)
Ibrahim Hadžibajrić’s Apartment in Croatia Temporarily Seized
The apartment in Krvavica near Makarska has been temporarily placed under the care of the FBiH Seized Property Management Agency.
Indictment Filed Against The Owner And The Executive Manager Of Lager
USKOK filed an indictment against nine persons, among whom Milenko Bašić, the owner of the BiH company Lager, and Dragan Stipić, the executive manager of the company,...
Hidden Apartment of Asim Sarajlić on The Adriatic
State delegate Asim Sarajlić failed to declare in his asset declaration an apartment he has on the Croatian coast in the tourist town of Žaborić near Šibenik.
Cash Leaking Through Permeable Borders of BiH
In three years, passengers illegally took at least BAM 37.6 million from BiH to neighboring countries in front of customs officers. The authorities do not know that...
Apartman od 43 kvadrata u Krvavici kod Makarske Hadžibajrić je kupio je za 80.000 eura, a veći dio potječe od pozajmice koju je dobio njegov sin Seid na deset godina bez kamate (Foto: Dženat Dreković / CIN)
Ibrahim Hadžibajrić’s Apartment in Croatia Temporarily Seized
Indictment Filed Against The Owner And The Executive Manager Of Lager
Hidden Apartment of Asim Sarajlić on The Adriatic
Cash Leaking Through Permeable Borders of BiH

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