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Center for investigative Reporting


Karišik’s Nest in Hadžibajrić’s Markale Project
The business partner of former Municipality of Stari Grad mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić secretly furnished two luxury apartments in a new building near the Markale market, the final design of which was approved...
State Clemency For Crime
Over the past two decades, Bosnian politicians have signed 1,187 pardons, thereby reducing, erasing, or forgiving sentences imposed by the courts.
Zenica’s Steel Wound
The steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal Zenica has breached nearly all the environmental permit conditions set by FBIH authorities at the end of 2022. Content with the thousands of jobs and lucrative business...
Convicts Freed, Judges Rebuked
From 2018 to 2024, eighteen judges have been penalized due to negligence in their work, which led to the statute of limitations on the enforcement of judgments and the conduct of criminal proceedings in...


Foto: Dženat Dreković (CIN)
The Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office Checking Prointer Forgeries For Three Years
After three years of investigation, the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office has concluded that the document forgery in tenders by Prointer ITSS, previously reported by CIN, does not constitute an economic...
NASLOVNA_Plata u koverti
Confirmed Indictment For “Envelope Salaries”
Prosecutors accused Tuzla businessmen of evading approximately BAM 190,000 in taxes by paying employees cash in “envelopes”, an issue CIN reported on last year.
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Zoran Čegar Suspected Of Forging Real Estate Purchase Contract
Zoran Čegar, the suspended head of the FBiH Police Administration, is suspected of forging a real estate purchase contract in Nišići, in the Municipality of Ilijaš. The investigation against Čegar was...
NASLOVNA_Ibrahim Hasanagic
Defamation Lawsuit Against CIN Dismissed
The Cantonal Court in Bihać has issued a final ruling, determining that CIN did not defame Ibrahim Hasanagić, a war veteran from Bihać. The lawsuit was related to CIN’s article, “State Secret About Disabled...



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