

49,483,000 m2


Public Company “Forest Industrial Corporation of Zenica-Doboj Canton”


Zenica-Doboj Canton

Protected since 2008


Nature monument- III


Two protected zones are designated within the reserve. The first encompasses nearly 82 percent and is located in the area of Zavidovići municipality, while the second zone is entirely located within the Kakanj municipality. The main values of Tajan are canyons of Mašica, Suha and Deep Tajašnica. Also, speleological formations: Atom pit cave, Youth pit cave and Luka’s Cave; Lake on Mašica; Mašica Rock; rock bridges with caves, paleontological localities, archeological localities, source of the Suha river, forests and geological formations, endemic species of plants and animals.

Current State

A sign board denoting protected area is erected on the site. Poor quality dirt road leads to the reserve. It is possible to rent a bike for a ride through the reserve.


Demarcation of the first protected zone’s boundaries with a sign board about the protection regime; rehabilitation of the degraded area, regeneration of plant and animal species and conservation of natural habitats in its authentication form; preparation and marking of hiking trails and a viewpoint and a rest stop areas; improvement of recreational facilities, construction of tourism facilities, educational centers and rest cottages; development of crafts and small enterprises with tourism in mind; traffic along the current regional and local roads to holiday residential locations; construction of parking lots; setting up an adequate waste management system; agricultural production; assessment of forest pests and diseases and forest protection, including protection from wildfires and other natural disasters, as well as conduction necessary regeneration measures.


Construction of buildings, except for temporary prefab buildings without the foundation made of natural materials and made to fit the environment and ambiance; degrading of natural hydrological regime; extraction of raw minerals. extraction of raw minerals; logging except for sanitary and the bare minimum growing logging; without the use of forest tractors; planting of non-native plants and introduction of non-native fauna; introduction of genetically modified species; removal of nests and disturbance of birds; disposal of liquid or solid waste, sand, gravel, construction waste; the use of open flame except for places denoted for these purposes by the reserve’s Manager and wasted disposal or any other activities that are degrading the ambiance and the use of space except for sites that are dedicated and marked for these purposes.

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