Eldina Pleho (CIN)

International Aid Does Little for Small Businesses
A European Union program did little to bolster small and medium sized business in BiH or to create new jobs. A poorly administered and unmonitored grant program...
Naslovna (2) (1)
Debts and Taxes Hurt Small Businesses
Owners site extortion and inability to collect debts as two reasons their businesses failed.
Aluminum Tender in Trouble
The director of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Privatization (APF) has called the three bids for the Aluminij d.d. Mostar deeply flawed and...
Who wants to own Mostar Aluminij?
The history of the privatization of Mostar Aluminij reflects the complexity and troubles BiH has faced over the past decade. At issue is who really owns the countries...
International Aid Does Little for Small Businesses
Naslovna (2) (1)
Debts and Taxes Hurt Small Businesses
Aluminum Tender in Trouble
Who wants to own Mostar Aluminij?

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