
29,600 m2


Laktaši Town Hall



Protected since 2018


Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources – VI


This is a forest complex in the close vicinity of Laktaši downtown. It consists of the natural association of Sessile Oak with other deciduous trees. It can be characterized as a light deciduous forest with a noted variety of levels and numerous plant and animal species. The main value of the forest can be seen through the maintained ecosystem, a value of landscape and favorable location near the town’s center which enables the use of space to meet ecological, social, educational and scientific and research needs of the population.

Current State

Clearly demarcated protected area with good access road and a sign board.


Selective and limited use of natural resources; management-s intervention with the aim of restauration, rehabilitation and overall improvement of the natural heritage; development and upgrade of village homesteads; taking care of buildings of cultural and historical heritage and traditional construction; maintenance of traditional activities of local population; construction of infrastructure that is harmonized with the values, potentials and capacities of the protected area intended for development of ecological, rural, health, sport and recreational and other types of tourism in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.


Felling or destruction of trees except for sanitary logging; hauling out logs with forest tractors; land clearing to build new forest roads; tracing and construction of new forest roads; unchecked collecting of medicinal and aromatic plants, foraging of mushroom, nuts and berries; construction of facilities or doing other work that pollutes soil and air, worsens the water quality, changes its quantity, spatial and time dispersion, construction of buildings and infrastructure; destruction of demarcation signs, warnings and informational boards, billboards, movable property, signs for tourists; harassment and killing of birds; collecting bird eggs and nest removal; harassment, trapping and hunting of all fauna species, except for scientific research with a previous approval from the Institute and Manager; to change land use designation and water regime; no campfire.

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