
1,609,000 m2


Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas of Sarajevo Canton



Protected since 2017


Protected Landscape – V


Bentbaša represents a meeting place of natural and cultural-historical heritage. THere are 169 plant species recorded in the area with high biological and ecological values, while 134 species of butterflies, 50 bird species, eight reptile species, six fish species and one species of amphibians. Geomorphological diversity of Miljacka river’s valley may be seen through various forms of karst relief: karst; fluviokarst, sloping, fluvial and fossil-tertiary relief; then Toplik Cave, Jekovac rocks and plateau along with the cave; “Babin zub” needle and steep slopes of typical karst terrain under “Bijela Tabija” fort; a cave under “Šehova korija”; Eagle’s Wing and Mošćanica river’s valley and mouth. The cultural-historical heritage of the protected area includes Isa-bey’s tekke or Dervish place of worship; “Šejh’s korija” with Dervish tombstones and “Kozija ćuprija” stone bridge.


Depending on the protection level, different activities are allowed – getting rid of invasive species of flora and fauna; use of educational trails; rock climbing upon Manager’s approval; scientific research may be done in coordination with the Manager, setting up of educational and interpretational content following the Manager’s approval; tracing of the existing access road and setting up of new hiking trails for visits to significant and interesting parts of the protected area; monitoring; development of ecological agriculture; setting up a functioning network of chemical toilet; wastewater disposal system for nearby settlements; waste disposal; setting up benches, viewpoints or bins upon Manager’s approval.


Construction of new facilities and infrastructure (except for reconstruction of existing buildings within existing dimensions if they had been destroyed or devastated during the 1992 – 1995 war); sanitary logging only; open flame; foraging and commercial exploitation of biological resources; commercial extraction of mineral resources; hunting and fishing; motor vehicle traffic; introduction of invasive species; waste disposal in the nature; unauthorized entrance of visitors into the core zone except in designated places; rock climbing instructions by unlicensed persons; agriculture and farming; Construct or place any structure in, upon or across a watercourse; all other activities which can harm natural values of the protected area.

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