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Category: Following CIN’s investigation

Following CIN's investigation
Bosnalijek’s Money from Malta to Russia

Director Nedim Uzunović is suspected of siphoning off money from Bosnalijek through his own offshore companies, which he used to buy shares in this factory or distribute it to his family and associates.

Following CIN's investigation
Dragan Čović punished for conflict-of-interest violation

The Commission deciding on conflict of interest punished Dragan Čović, the president of the HDZBiH, with a 10 percent salary reduction for one month, and Nenad Nešić, the president of the DNS, with a 10 percent salary reduction for six months.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.