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Category: Stories

The State Fails to Protect Children from Violence

Social service centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are failing to adequately protect children following contentious divorces of parents. They disregard procedures and fail to exercise the authority vested in them to make decisions in the best interest of the children.

Politicians' Assets
Karišik’s Nest in Hadžibajrić’s Markale Project

The business partner of former Municipality of Stari Grad mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić secretly furnished two luxury apartments in a new building near the Markale market, the final design of which was approved by the mayor’s closest associate, Alma Destanović. Hadžibajrić and Destanović are facing trial for illegally issuing a construction permit for the construction of this building.

Public administration
State Clemency For Crime

Over the past two decades, Bosnian politicians have signed 1,187 pardons, thereby reducing, erasing, or forgiving sentences imposed by the courts.

Zenica’s Steel Wound

The steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal Zenica has breached nearly all the environmental permit conditions set by FBIH authorities at the end of 2022. Content with the thousands of jobs and lucrative business deals the company brings to local enterprises, authorities have turned a blind eye, neglecting the serious health risks to Zenica’s residents.

Convicts Freed, Judges Rebuked

From 2018 to 2024, eighteen judges have been penalized due to negligence in their work, which led to the statute of limitations on the enforcement of judgments and the conduct of criminal proceedings in a total of 27 cases. They received warnings and fines of around BAM 20,000.

Statute Of Limitations Archives Justice In BiH

In courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, between 230 and 340 criminal cases become time-barred each year due to the expiration of the legally set deadline for the completion of court proceedings and enforcement of the verdict. In these instances, it is unclear whether the accused are truly guilty or whether the convicted have served their sentence.

Millionaires Among Court-Appointed Attorneys

Over the course of six years, courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina have paid out BAM 58.8 million for compensations to court-appointed attorneys. Nearly BAM 10 million were paid to ten attorneys, although more than 1,440 were engaged in ex officio defenses.

Neum: Properties Belonging to Everyone and No One

Nineteen apartment buyers at the Feroelektro Resort located on the Adriatic coast in Neum, have been adversely affected by institutional failures in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The properties, initially earmarked for transfer to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were sold to buyers by the Čapljina court for a sum exceeding three million BAM, while the Municipality of Neum has thrown a wrench into the process by refusing to allow these buyers to officially register as property owners.

Alms For The Disabled, Bonanzas For Private Individuals

Employers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina receive millions of dollars for employing individuals with disabilities in their companies. However, some of these employers do not actually utilize this workforce; they simply benefit from the privileges it provides.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.