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Game of Control


Story 1: BiH Football: Losing Your Money

A months-long look at football in BiH shows that games are sparsely attended and the results suspect, while the sport’s leaders and mangers have problems with the law. 


Story 3: Connections Keep Officials in Power

A system that values everything but managerial skills and allows complex relationships and multiple positions is the basis for the organization of football’s administration in BiH. 


Story 5: Violence, Criminal Records No Bar to Lead Football Association

In the ‘wild west’ environment of the BiH Football Association, men with histories of legal trouble and little experience in sports are given top posts, resulting in mediocre play and disappointment among fans. 


Story 7: At Home BiH Footballers Don’t Lose

In BiH, the home field advantage gives teams more than a slight edge. Even the worst teams rarely lose at home, unlike teams in other leagues in Europe. 


Story 9: The Fans’s View

The members of BH Fanaticos speak out. 



Story 2: Coaches Find BiH Football Image Tarnished

Fans don’t want to waste their time on lackluster games and predictable outcomes. Most coaches acknowledge that the BiH Premier League has problems. 


Story 4: Criticism of BiH Football Draws Sharp Responses

The mildest criticism against the BiH Football Association by players, fans, referees or reporters can bring phone calls, harassment or pressure to quit. 


Story 6: Young Players Leave to Seek Better Futures

Poor facilities, lack of a training program, poor play and low salaries make young players susceptible to the lure of playing abroad for more money. 


Story 8: Betting on a Sure Thing

Bet shops take special care not to lose money on BiH Premier League matches whose outcomes everyone knows in advance. The real losers are fans. 


Story 10: Contacts as Important as Talent in Football

Knowing the right people, or being related to them, can insure success in football. 


Story 11: Premier League Football Shows No Improvement

The spring season for the Premier Leagues in BiH football is over and opinion is mixed – some think the fairness and quality of the league are improving, while others say nothing has changed. Statistics show there is little change from previous seasons. 


The following reporters make up the Center for Investigative Reporting: Mubarek Asani, Mirsad Brkić, Svjetlana Ćelić, Amer Jahić, Dino Jahić, Azhar Kalamujić, Eldina Pleho, Renata Radić, Mahir Šahinović and Ermin Zatega. For more information call: 387 33 560-040.


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