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Ibrahim Hadžibajrić’s Apartment in Croatia Temporarily Seized

The apartment in Krvavica near Makarska has been temporarily placed under the care of the FBiH Seized Property Management Agency.
Apartman od 43 kvadrata u Krvavici kod Makarske Hadžibajrić je kupio je za 80.000 eura, a veći dio potječe od pozajmice koju je dobio njegov sin Seid na deset godina bez kamate (Foto: Dženat Dreković / CIN)
Ibrahim Hadžibajrić bought the 43-square-meter apartment in Krvavica near Makarska for 80,000 euros (Photo: Dženat Dreković/CIN)

The apartment of the former mayor of Sarajevo’s Stari Grad Municipality, Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, located in Krvavica near Makarska in Croatia, has been temporarily assigned to the FBiH Seized Property Management Agency.

At the request of the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office, the Municipal Court in Split has prohibited Hadžibajrić from selling or mortgaging the property and has placed it under the management of the Agency in Sarajevo.

Hadžibajrić and his son Seid are on trial for abuse of office, money laundering, and accepting bribes, with part of the indictment relating to the purchase of the apartment in Krvavica.

Former Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić Faces Serious Corruption Charges
Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, the ex-mayor of Stari Grad Municipality, stands accused of allegedly conspiring with friends and relatives to form a criminal group. Among their alleged activities is the misuse of municipal car parks and other public spaces for personal gain, as previously reported by CIN.

The former mayor of the oldest municipality in Sarajevo purchased a 43-square-meter apartment on the Adriatic coast in March 2022 for EUR 80,000. The Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office began investigating the property when it was revealed that it was bought using funds from the mayor’s relative, Fahrudin Novalija. Novalija lent Hadžibajrić’s son, Seid, BAM 145,000 interest-free for ten years, and Seid transferred this amount, along with the remaining balance for the purchase, to his father’s account, from which the property was paid.

In July 2021, Novalija purchased a nearly 200-square-meter plot from the Municipality at an auction for BAM 137,500. This plot is located in Alifakovac, the historic city center of Sarajevo, and falls within the area designated for the future national monument “Historical Urban Landscape of Sarajevo”, which has a temporary sales restraint in place.

“I can pay (…) Mr. Fahrudin Novalija tomorrow, so he doesn’t have to wait for these 145,000 for ten years… I will quickly return that money, God willing”, said the former mayor during the court hearing.

Secret Wealth of Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić
The former mayor of the Stari Grad Municipality in Sarajevo began investing in real estate in Bosnia and Croatia after leasing public parking lots to his friend Elmedin Karišik. Correspondence on the Sky app reveals that Karišik looked after Hadžibajrić’s properties, his money, and luxury cars.
Call The Bey For Car Park
Former mayor of Sarajevo’s oldest municipality, Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, leased several public car parks in the tourist center of the city to his friends, striking deals that would render his son a millionaire.

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