Tag: lijekovi

Sebija Izetbegović’s Expensive Histopathology
After Sebija Izetbegović was appointed manager of General Hospital, she outsourced histopathological testing to a private clinic of a friend who did the work for...
Drugs in USK: Fund Lost Millions that Went into Businessmen’s Pockets
For nearly 10 years, the Una-Sana Canton Health Care Fund illegally bought drugs from two private firms using taxpayer money.
The Cost of Pills for Bosnalijek
Two years after Russian investors took over Bosnalijek for 32 million KM their firm went bankrupt, defaulting on as much debt to the Sarajevo factory as they had...
No order in border inspections
Poor equipment and disorganized data lets unsafe food into BiH.
Responsibility at the top
Top health care official are all pointing at each other for responsibility for a bankrupt system. The answer is obvious to everyone but no one wants to give up enough...
Sebija Izetbegović’s Expensive Histopathology
Drugs in USK: Fund Lost Millions that Went into Businessmen’s Pockets
The Cost of Pills for Bosnalijek
No order in border inspections
Responsibility at the top

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