Tag: Miro Džakula

Cash Leaking Through Permeable Borders of BiH
In three years, passengers illegally took at least BAM 37.6 million from BiH to neighboring countries in front of customs officers. The authorities do not know that...
Kafa carinicima umjesto milioni državi
A Coffee Gratuity to Custom Officers Instead of Millions to the State Budget
In exchange for a BAM 2,500 kickback paid to customs officers and forwarding agents per truck, the textile importers pay many times lower customs duty and taxes....
ITA BiH, Banja Luka
The Boss and Her “Blackshirt” Mob
Some inspectors of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority racketeer shopkeepers using a well-established mode of operation: they ask for money to turn a blind eye to...
Cash Leaking Through Permeable Borders of BiH
Kafa carinicima umjesto milioni državi
A Coffee Gratuity to Custom Officers Instead of Millions to the State Budget
ITA BiH, Banja Luka
The Boss and Her “Blackshirt” Mob

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