Tag: političari

Uhljebljenje nakon „bijelog hljeba“
Cushy Job After Severance
Former legislators continue their careers in public administration managerial positions. They get new jobs most often after first collecting their full severance...
Sportom do političke promocije 1
Sport as Political Promotion
Athletes and clubs with political connections get more budget money as politicians seek to use games for their ends.
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire
Dragan Mikerević, deputy at the RS Parliament, has acquired great wealth. A former farmer, he became a millionaire with assets in BiH and abroad.
Extra Pay: No Extra Work
Twenty-one institutions in FBiH spent 5.48 million KM on commissioner fees over a three-year period, yet auditors found the commission system encourages idleness...
Uhljebljenje nakon „bijelog hljeba“
Cushy Job After Severance
Sportom do političke promocije 1
Sport as Political Promotion
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire
Extra Pay: No Extra Work

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