Tag: ‘white bread’ perk

Naslovna_Bijeli hljeb
“Post-term severance” for businessmen in politics
“Post-term severance” granted to 68 Entity officials at the end of their term of office. Unless they in the meantime find new jobs or retire, they will receive at...
Komisija FPBiH
Initiative To Abolish Post-term Severance In The FBiH
Following the CIN investigation, an initiative has been launched in the FBiH Parliament to abolish the right to severance after the expiry of the term. 
Bijeli hljeb_CIN
Post-term severance as a [paid] holiday leave
This year, the citizens of BiH are paying almost BAM 1.5 million for the “post-term severance” of the 81 city and municipal officials. Nearly every second of them...
Uhljebljenje nakon „bijelog hljeba“
Cushy Job After Severance
Former legislators continue their careers in public administration managerial positions. They get new jobs most often after first collecting their full severance...
Naslovna_Bijeli hljeb
“Post-term severance” for businessmen in politics
Komisija FPBiH
Initiative To Abolish Post-term Severance In The FBiH
Bijeli hljeb_CIN
Post-term severance as a [paid] holiday leave
Uhljebljenje nakon „bijelog hljeba“
Cushy Job After Severance

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