
Area: 40 670 m²

Managed by: Public Forestry Enterprise “Šume Republike Srpske” – Šumsko gazdinstvo “Sjemić” Rogatica

Place: Municipality of Rogatica. Protected since April 2021

Category: Protected landscapes – V

Specifics: The unique value of the nature park is the gorge-canyon valley of the river Prača with the caves Govještica and Banja Stijena, which abound with underground karst relief forms. Its most important part is the 9,870 meters long cave system of Govještica, which is the longest cave in the Republika Srpska. The cave of Banja Stijena is extremely rich in various types of mineral formations.  The Prača canyon is a habitat for numerous endemic and relict species.

Allowed: scientific research and educational work, grazing and mowing of meadows with the aim of their maintenance, controlled picking of mushrooms and herbaceous plants, using forests and forest fruits following the forest management rules, game hunting following the hunting rules, constructing roads, tourist facilities, energy, telecommunications and hydrological infrastructure systems upon the prior opinion of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage, maintaining and arranging speleological objects with the prior opinion of the Institute, tourist visits, and organized student excursions.

Prohibited: exploitation of land and minerals, and destroying and excavating plants and fungi declared as natural values, disturbing and harming the wild fauna, introducing plant, animal and fungi species that do not naturally inhabit the area, disposing of waste, constructing waste disposal facilities, polluting habitat, especially wastewater, changing the land use, constructing hydropower facilities and new roads, unplanned restocking of fish, using water, its bed and shore as roads for transporting material and movement of machinery, destroying cave mineral formations, entering the Govještica cave without the prior permission of the manager.

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