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A TIMELINE OF FRAUD: The Life and Times of Esed Radeljaš

The Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo presents the highlights in the career of Esed Radeljaš.

Esed Radeljaš has entered his nomination for the head of Foča-Ustikolina municipality in the coming local elections. He will run on the party ticket of the Party for Better Goražde.

Radeljaš’s political career started in 2008, when he won a term in Novi Grad Sarajevo Municipal Council as the representative of Bosnian Party. Two years later, he was a legislator at the Sarajevo Canton Assembly. He run for the same post in the 2014 General Elections, but he failed to win a seat, so he went off to Goražde where he had already incorporated his own party.

In January 2015, Radeljaš was appointed the minister of industry in the government of Bosnia-Podrinje Canton (BPK). The appointment was the fruit of political negotiations within the BPK’s majority that included the Party for Better Goražde. Radeljaš was dismissed from the ministerial post in April 2016.

There were three candidates for a head of Foča-Ustikolina at the 2012 local elections competing for 1,683 voters. In his native Foča-Ustikolina, Radeljš will need less than 1,000 votes at the elections this October to get a new office in his career.

Published: May 27, 2016

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