Mahir Šahinović (CIN)

Foto: CIN
Tomić vs. Tomić
A former general manager of the Ploče Oil Terminals, settled a case with himself before the court in Metković and collected damages of 67,000 KM.
Foto: CIN
Terminals Fighting Receivership
NTF management claims that a receivership petition is based on a forged document.
Foto: CIN
Ploče Oil Terminals’ Debt Bondage
The company that runs the only BiH oil terminal in the Adriatic Sea has evaded bankruptcy but is still paying for bad decisions by the former management.
Foto: CIN
Tomić vs. Tomić
Foto: CIN
Terminals Fighting Receivership
Foto: CIN
Ploče Oil Terminals’ Debt Bondage

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