
74,111,000 m2


Public Institution Nature Park “Hutovo blato”


Herzegovina-Neretva Canton

Protected area since 1995


Protected landscape – V


In 1998, the International Council for Bird Preservation included “Hutovo blato” wetland on the list of internationally important bird habitats. Then, in 2001, “Hutovo blato” got on the list of marshes of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention methodology and has been registered with UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. “Hutovo Blato” biggest lakes are: Deransko, Jelim, Drijen, Orah, Škrka and Svitava. “Hutovo Blato” waters are a home to 22 fish species from 12 families of which as endemic are considered the subspecies of dalmatian soiffe; tooth trout; Neretva spined loach and goby. According to the latest research, more than 600 plant species and 163 bird species from 39 families have been recognized. It is featured on the Important Bird Areas list.

Current State

Good access road with sign boards denoting protected habitat. Mud and reed overgrowth are visible problems.


Activities and work that doesn’t affect the values, importance and role of the Nature park, while contribute to sustainable development; tourist visits, overnight stay and camping in designated places and facilities, sanitary logging provided that it serves for maintenance and betterment of natural plant and animal species; taking a dog for a walk is allowed on special trails with owner’s accompaniment; cleaning and maintenance of lakes, channels and natural watercourses. With the approval of the Public Institution Nature Park, the construction of facilities and refurbishing and the adaptation of existing structures is possible if they serve to protect, conserve and allow for Nature Park’s sustainable development in terms of educational and scientific purposes, that is, if they don’t present harm to the Park’s natural and landscape values.  With a ministry’s approval, it is allowed to hunt animal species for scientific research; to undertake sanitary measures and set nature in balance.


Activities that change natural scenery and harm the Nature park’s geological, hydrographical, geomorphological and other landscape values, such as construction of facilities, roads, power lines, dykes, or digging out new channels and similar things. All work activities which change or harm the natural water regime or watercourse in the Nature park are prohibited; chasing, persecution, harassment, trapping, harming and killing of animal species, especially birds; harvesting of frogs, snails and leeches. Hunting is prohibited during close season. Fishing is prohibited in the area of “Gornje Blato”. Fishing ban also applies to lakes near the hill (Jelim, Drijen, Orah, Radanovac and Babino oko), fast creeks (Londža, “Jelimska jaruga” and “Jelimska rječina”, Šarčevac and Merdžanovac) and other smaller ditches. Picking, harvesting, moving from its habitat as well as damaging of plants, especially of endangered, rare and sensitive species is banned; reed cutting and mowing of grass; logging of natural forest associations and natural types of trees and bushes, as well as disposing of old fallen native trees; to light fire outside villages or places denoted for such purposes and walking of visitors outside places that are intended for observation and visits.

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