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2,950,000 m2


Forest Management Company Gorica



It was first declared as a protected area at the time of Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1954. The government of Republika Srpska confirmed its present status in 2012.


Strict nature reserve – Ia


Biological value of the reserve is an association of beech, fir, elm and spruce. The reserve’s fauna has not been researched sufficiently, while permanently protected species are stoat, squirrel, lynx (occasionally), hen of Western capercaillie, hazel grouse, northern goshawk, falcon; protected species hunted during the season –  brown bear; cock of the Western capercaillie; hazel grouse cock, common wood pigeon, and unprotected – edible dormouse; wolf; fox; European pine marten; wild boar. Since 2019, Janj primeval forest has been on the UNESCO tentative list of world natural heritage.

Current state:

Limited visits are permitted with prior notification to the reserve’s manager.

Allowed activities

Research and monitoring of plant and animal population; research and scientific work; delimiting the reserve’s boundary and erecting sign boards. With an approval and expert opinion from the relevant authorities, special projects and programs could be set up that could encompass the protected area with detailed research and documenting of flora, fauna and vegetation as the basis for the development of the program for the implementation of management’s activities.

Prohibited activities

Unannounced visits to the reserve; destruction of dominant species; wood cutting; collecting and use of flora and fauna; bringing in outside plant and animal species; harassment, capture and hunt of wild animals; grazing; disposing of and cutting of old hollow tree trunks or dry branches; harassment or killing of rare and endangered birds and removal of their nests; kindling fire; littering or dumping of trash; rezoning of the land; change of water regime; building of facilities and infrastructure within or nearby reserve; entering, visiting as well as all manners of scientific monitoring without the prior notification and official approval.

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