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Category: News

Judges Restituted While Others Wait in Lawsuit against the West Herzegovina Canton

Six judges from the Municipal and Cantonal Court in Široki Brijeg were restituted in 2010 over decreased paychecks, holiday entitlements and meal money owed to them by the West Herzegovina Canton. Other claimants including prosecutors, clerks, typists, janitors, drivers, accountants, execution officers and archive clerks have – are four years waiting to be restituted. The Cantonal Court officials explained that the judges were the first to be paid because their case was ruled first.

Father and Five Sons Under Investigation

Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) requested jail for seven persons including a father and five sons accused of smuggling illegal immigrants through BiH to Croatia and onwards to West Europe. The suspects are Arif Čović (54) from Štulice near Cazin and his sons Almir (33), Hasib (31), Đulaga (28), Husmir (27), Ale (22) – all with previous criminal records and also for a Turkish national Secgin Recep Emir (24) from Ada Pazar, Turkey.

Million KM in Accommodation Allowances to Undeserving Civil Servants

Around million KM was spent on monthly accommodation allowances for civil servants who work outside of their place of residence. The money was allocated from the state budget and paid out to 3,036 persons in Dec 2011. The amounts ranged between 90 and 400 KM a month. Some civil servants not in a position of seniority claimed allowances against the regulations.


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