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Category: Politicians’ Assets

Politicians' Assets
Karišik’s Nest in Hadžibajrić’s Markale Project

The business partner of former Municipality of Stari Grad mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić secretly furnished two luxury apartments in a new building near the Markale market, the final design of which was approved by the mayor’s closest associate, Alma Destanović. Hadžibajrić and Destanović are facing trial for illegally issuing a construction permit for the construction of this building.

Millionaires Among Court-Appointed Attorneys

Over the course of six years, courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina have paid out BAM 58.8 million for compensations to court-appointed attorneys. Nearly BAM 10 million were paid to ten attorneys, although more than 1,440 were engaged in ex officio defenses.

Ilustracija: Željko Todorović (CIN)
Politicians' Assets
Secret Wealth of Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić

The former mayor of the Stari Grad Municipality in Sarajevo began investing in real estate in Bosnia and Croatia after leasing public parking lots to his friend Elmedin Karišik. Correspondence on the Sky app reveals that Karišik looked after Hadžibajrić’s properties, his money, and luxury cars.

Nazovi Bega radi parkinga
Politicians' Assets
Call The Bey For Car Park

Former mayor of Sarajevo’s oldest municipality, Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, leased several public car parks in the tourist center of the city to his friends, striking deals that would render his son a millionaire.

Politicians' Assets
The Forgotten Belgrade Apartment Of Nedeljko Čubrilović

Nedeljko Čubrilović, president of DEMOS and Minister of Transport and Communications in the Government of Republika Srpska, has an apartment in Serbia with his wife Miloja, which he failed to declare in his asset declaration report. His son Đuro Čubrilović, a member of the Banja Luka City Assembly, also failed to declare two business premises he owns in this city.


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