BiH politicians are supposed to report their assets when they ran for office and after they leave but no one knows if the information they provide is true and complete. There are no sanctions for providing incomplete or false information.
BiH politicians are supposed to report their assets when they ran for office and after they leave but no one knows if the information they provide is true and complete. There are no sanctions for providing incomplete or false information.
Nedžad Branković stepped down as prime minister of the FBiH, but why? Was it pure politics, or pressure from the public and the media? Whatever the reasons, it remains to be seen if this is a new trend and if similar cases in the future will result in similar consequences.
As EU Membership Looms, So Do Troubling Questions
An investigation into contracting in RS, though flawed, examines expenditures on government showpiece buildings in Banja Luka and finds that an array of officials helped inflate costs and benefited a favored contractor.
A political sweetener turned sour last week for Edhem Bičakčić, former FBiH Prime Minister and Dragan Čović, his former deputy, when they were charged with overstepping their authority and benefiting others through a housing scheme that was funded at the expense of the FBiH budget.
Vlada FBiH je 2000. godine kupila stan koji je potom dan na korištenje budućem premijeru Nedžadu Brankoviću. Tadašnjem direktoru Energoinvesta trebalo je samo sedam dana da otkupi stan na temelju stanarskog prava kojeg mu je dodijelio stranački kolega Edhem Bičakčić.
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Sarajevo is unique in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the first organization of its kind to be established in Balkans. CIN is dedicated to investigative reporting, aimed toward providing fair and unbiased information, based on evidences and solid proof, to BiH citizens who need to make educated decisions.
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