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Category: Public administration

Nazovi Bega radi parkinga
Politicians' Assets
Call The Bey For Car Park

Former mayor of Sarajevo’s oldest municipality, Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, leased several public car parks in the tourist center of the city to his friends, striking deals that would render his son a millionaire.

Public administration
“Post-term severance” for businessmen in politics

“Post-term severance” granted to 68 Entity officials at the end of their term of office. Unless they in the meantime find new jobs or retire, they will receive at least BAM 1,6 million from the budget.  Politicians who are successfully engaged in private business are also entitled to this perk.

Lamb Alla Police

Police officer Elvedin Džigum from Bosanski Petrovac has been taken money from truck drivers for years to turn the blind eye to their traffic violations. The Police Commissioner and Commanders knew this, but instead of punishing him, they protected him.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.