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CIN Reporter Azhar Kalamujić Wins an International Award

The competition organized by Montenegrin foundation Duško Jovanović attracted 29 regional entries. A story about the illegal activities of Sarajevo judges, lawyers and court staffers to take possession of abandoned condos and houses in Sarajevo has won the first prize.

Azhar Kalamujić, reporter from the Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo (CIN) has won the first prize in the competition organized by a Montenegrin foundation Duško Jovanović.

He received the award during a ceremony that took place in the Hilton in Montenegro capital of Podgorica on Monday evening. Kalamujić’s story Judge Fazlagić Disinherited Holocaust Victims has won the first place in the competition of 29 regional entries. The story delves into activities of Sarajevo judges, lawyer, court staffers, municipal officials and private persons who illegally took possession of abandoned condos and houses in Sarajevo.

Judge Fazlagić Disinherited Holocaust Victims
Kuće, stanovi i poslovni prostori sarajevskih Jevreja stradalih u holokaustu preknjiženi su na nove vlasnike, zahvaljujući nezakonitim presudama sutkinje koja je na isti način i sama prisvojila dvije nekretnine u najužem dijelu grada.

Another award has gone to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The recipients of the second place award are Žurnal’s reporters Azra Omerović and Avdo Avdić for the story “We Obtained High School for Medical Profession’s Degree for 17 Days”.

The recipient of third award is Jovan Nikitović from the Montenegro daily Pobjeda for a series of articles about the vanishing of a large number of artifacts from the National Museum of Montenegro.

The award was established in memory of Duško Jovanović, a founder and editor-in-chief of a Podgorica daily Dan. He was murdered in front of the newspapers’ headquarters in 2004. The award was presented twice in the past – to a Washington Post reporter Andrew Higgins and a South African journalist Stephan Hofstatter.

The foundation Duško Jovanović gives the award in recognition of investigative reporting that contributes to true findings about important facts, the stream of life and work and to curbing anomalies and social deviations.

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