Story 1: Drugs are Big BiH Business
The thousands of dealers in BiH who make a living selling drugs and the hundreds of thousands of addicts who buy them make up one of Bosnia’s biggest businesses. ► MORE
Story 3: Business across the Border
BiH Border Police haven’t had much success in uncovering drugs. They blame this on their lack of equipment and a lack of cooperation among other law enforcement agencies. ► MORE
Story 5: Inmates Becoming Heroin Addicts
Every year, more drugs are entering BiH prisons, causing fatal overdoses among young inmates who never used drugs on the outside. Smuggling narcotics into these institutions is lucrative because of higher prices inside than on the street.
Story 7: Seized Drugs Could be Missing
Police and court officials can’t tell reporters how much drugs they have in storage or whether that figure matches the amount seized. ► MORE
Story 9: Big Drug Dealers Have Little to Fear in BiH
Justice only nabs small-time players in BiH’s drug trafficking scene. While the BiH has little or no cooperation with international police, the big fish get away. ► MORE | Story 2: Drug Dealers Lightly Punished Judges say most are small time dealers and don’t deserve long sentences, but prison officials say they keep on seeing the same people coming back for the same drug charges. ► MORE
Story 4: A Wagging Tail Can Mean Drugs on Board BiH Border Police use dogs at border crossings around BiH. While they are helpful, they haven’t found much heroin or cocaine. ► MORE
Story 6: Bosnians Used in Drug Smuggling Bosnia is becoming well known in Europe for its ties to drug smuggling. BiH citizens and companies are used by drug lords to transport drugs into Western Europe. ► MORE
Story 8: How to Combat the Drug Trade in BiH Here are some much needed steps that could make a difference. ► MORE
Story 10: Suspected Heroin Smuggler Narrowly Escaped Death as a Child Admir Džihić and his brother, Edin, may be wanted in BiH in connection to seizures in 2005 of 38.7 kilos of heroin. ► MORE