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SIPA Warehouse Worker Sentenced

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has sentenced today Srđan Andrić and Goran Gotovac from Sarajevo to a year in prison on charges of embezzlement and forging of official documents.

Between the beginning of 2008 and July 2009, while working in a warehouse of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), Andrić rigged the data in the financial documents in order to show exaggerate the costs of stationary.

In fact, some goods that should have been delivered to SIPA remained with the suppliers, Alf-Prom from East Sarajevo and Exclusiv fromSarajevo.

Gotovac and Bajro Lelo, the officials at the Alf-Prom and Exclusive have sold the stationary that they had never delivered and shared the profit with Andrić.

Lelo pleaded guilty earlier and was sentenced to a year and half in prison.

The verdict reads that three of them have damaged the budget for 75,121 KM during the year and a half.

Apart from this, Andrić prepared bogus bills of lading for three analytical scales from the Agency’s warehouses that was intended for the Regional offices in Mostar,Banja LukaandSarajevo. The scales have never been delivered because Andrić kept them damaging the budget for more than 3,500 KM.

Judge Biljana Ćuković said that this was a prophylactic punishment that should be a warning to others who may stoop to such crimes.

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