Tag: Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo

Zahvalnica_Udruženje_cistična fibroza
CIN Honored with Certificate of Appreciation from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Cystic Fibrosis Association
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Cystic Fibrosis Association for its contribution to combating...
Naslovna foto
Široki Brijeg Court Holds CIN Liable For Defamation Over Reporting By Another Media Outlet
The Municipal Court in Široki Brijeg has issued a first-instance judgment ordering the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) to pay damages to the company Lager...
Politicians assets_CIN_Database
CIN's „Politician Assets“ Database On A New Platform
„Politician Assets“ is the most comprehensive database of incomes, movable and immovable property, and careers of more than 220 officials and politicians in Bosnia...
CIN Journalist And Photographer Won The “Eco Journalist” Award
Nino Bilajac, a CIN journalist, and Dženat Dreković, a CIN photographer are the winners of the “Eco Journalist” award presented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion...
Zahvalnica_Udruženje_cistična fibroza
CIN Honored with Certificate of Appreciation from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Cystic Fibrosis Association
Naslovna foto
Široki Brijeg Court Holds CIN Liable For Defamation Over Reporting By Another Media Outlet
Politicians assets_CIN_Database
CIN's „Politician Assets“ Database On A New Platform
CIN Journalist And Photographer Won The “Eco Journalist” Award

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