Tag: cik

Brčko Prosecutor Judged by a „Jury“ of Convicts
Every sixth representative elected to the Brčko District Assembly in the last elections has been convicted of a criminal offense. Most of them will now have the...
Six Unreported Properties of Šarović in Belgrade
Mirko Šarović, president of the Serb Democratic Party (SDS) and state MP, and his wife Stojanka own six valuable properties in Belgrade, Serbia which he never declared...
Vjerske zajednice i izbori Glasajte po savjesti, birajte po vjeri
Places of Worship and Elections: Vote by Conscience, Pick by Faith
Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox religious leaders are all advising believers to vote in the upcoming elections -- but the advice they are giving out is different,...
Kandidati prikrili prihode i nekretnine
Nominees Hide Income and Assets
Data from politicians’ asset cards cannot be trusted. They often do not report all their income and holdings because there is no punishment for deception and hiding...
Political rents
In at least 246 towns, municipalities have allowed political parties the use of rent-free or low-cost office space.
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire
Dragan Mikerević, deputy at the RS Parliament, has acquired great wealth. A former farmer, he became a millionaire with assets in BiH and abroad.
Brčko Prosecutor Judged by a „Jury“ of Convicts
Six Unreported Properties of Šarović in Belgrade
Vjerske zajednice i izbori Glasajte po savjesti, birajte po vjeri
Places of Worship and Elections: Vote by Conscience, Pick by Faith
Kandidati prikrili prihode i nekretnine
Nominees Hide Income and Assets
Political rents
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire

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