Tag: cin

Naslovna_17 presuda za CIN_vijest
CIN Wins Its Seventeenth Ruling in the Fight for Public Data
The court ruled that the Government of FBiH issued a vague and unclear decision that does not comply with the law.
NASLOVNA_Radmila Mandic
Judge Radmila Mandić Disciplined for Plagiarizing Verdict
Radmila Mandić, a judge at the Municipal Court in Široki Brijeg, received a 10 percent salary reduction for four months due to multiple violations, including copying...
Okrugli sto_CIN_pravosudje
Statute of Limitations and Court-Appointed Attorneys: Calls for New Legal Solutions
The results of CIN's research on statute of limitations in criminal proceedings and court-appointed attorneys in BiH were presented at the Roundtable on 'Public...
Zahvalnica_Udruženje_cistična fibroza
CIN Honored with Certificate of Appreciation from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Cystic Fibrosis Association
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Cystic Fibrosis Association for its contribution to combating...
Naslovna foto
Široki Brijeg Court Holds CIN Liable For Defamation Over Reporting By Another Media Outlet
The Municipal Court in Široki Brijeg has issued a first-instance judgment ordering the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) to pay damages to the company Lager...
Naslovna_zavrsna konferencija_GEA_CIN_Futura
A Step Towards Transparent Spending Of Public Funds
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) and its partner organizations Futura and the Center for Research and Studies GEA presented the results of a three-year...
SHPP “Zlate” on the Doljanka River Left Without A Work Permit
The Energy Regulatory Commission in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has denied the application for an operation permit for the mini hydro-power plant “Zlate”...
Access to Information in Inaccessible Institutions
This year, the International Day for Universal Access to Information is marked with a newly adopted Act and new challenges in the fight for access to information....
Naslovna_Banja Luka
Uncontrolled Spending of Public Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations
Authorities allocate over 100 million BAM from public budgets each year to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), but often lack oversight on how this money is...
Politicians assets_CIN_Database
CIN's „Politician Assets“ Database On A New Platform
„Politician Assets“ is the most comprehensive database of incomes, movable and immovable property, and careers of more than 220 officials and politicians in Bosnia...
Konferencija 2
Towards Legislative Amendments: Less Freedom of Speech And Freedom Of Expression
The conference titled “Freedom of Speech, Expression, and Media under siege” took place in Sarajevo, and brought together reps of the international community, authorities,...
Naslovna_Nagrada za hrabrost i slobodu govora
CIN Received A Recognition for Freedom of Speech
Media organizations and individuals, among which the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), received recognitions from the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower...
Naslovna_17 presuda za CIN_vijest
CIN Wins Its Seventeenth Ruling in the Fight for Public Data
NASLOVNA_Radmila Mandic
Judge Radmila Mandić Disciplined for Plagiarizing Verdict
Okrugli sto_CIN_pravosudje
Statute of Limitations and Court-Appointed Attorneys: Calls for New Legal Solutions
Zahvalnica_Udruženje_cistična fibroza
CIN Honored with Certificate of Appreciation from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Cystic Fibrosis Association
Naslovna foto
Široki Brijeg Court Holds CIN Liable For Defamation Over Reporting By Another Media Outlet
Naslovna_zavrsna konferencija_GEA_CIN_Futura
A Step Towards Transparent Spending Of Public Funds
SHPP “Zlate” on the Doljanka River Left Without A Work Permit
Access to Information in Inaccessible Institutions
Naslovna_Banja Luka
Uncontrolled Spending of Public Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations
Politicians assets_CIN_Database
CIN's „Politician Assets“ Database On A New Platform
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