Jelena Jevtić (CIN)

plate-i-za-neradnike (1)
RS Railways Pays Slackers Too
The Republika Srpska is borrowing millions to decrease the number of RS Railways workers. At the same time the company keeps jobs for employees who don't even show...
Taxpayers Paid Dearly for Condo That Milica Marković Got for Free
Veteran legislator Milica Marković received a five-room apartment in Bijeljina that was paid with fuel oil from stockholding supplies. Even though the entity government...
Post Term Severance – Just Those Who Did Not Ask Did Not Get
The Republika Srpska has no hard and fast rules for awarding post-term severance, so this allowance is used also by officials who have other income.
Fake Accommodation for Additional Income
Over two and half years, legislators from the FBiH Parliament have collected more than 825,000 KM in accommodation, living-away-from-home and transport allowances....
Secretary Drljača Overstayed his Term
The RS Council of Peoples Illegally Provided Post-Term Payouts
plate-i-za-neradnike (1)
RS Railways Pays Slackers Too
Taxpayers Paid Dearly for Condo That Milica Marković Got for Free
Post Term Severance – Just Those Who Did Not Ask Did Not Get
Fake Accommodation for Additional Income
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