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Category: Stories

Public administration
Illegal Appointment of Aide with Party Connections

Stjepan Dujo was appointed assistant to the director of BiH Legislative Office despite failing to meet the criteria about required years of experience. Lidija Bradara, former chairwoman of the House of Peoples in the Federation of BiH Parliament, previously illegally appointed Dujo as her aide. Both belong to Croatian Democratic Party.

Judge Fazlagić Disinherited Holocaust Victims

Kuće, stanovi i poslovni prostori sarajevskih Jevreja stradalih u holokaustu preknjiženi su na nove vlasnike, zahvaljujući nezakonitim presudama sutkinje koja je na isti način i sama prisvojila dvije nekretnine u najužem dijelu grada.

Public administration
Attorney General’s Office for Daughter

A job ad for an attorney general in Jablanica Municipality attracted seven candidates who all formally met the criteria. Yet, after commission members rated each candidate’s abilities and knowledge in an obscure manner, they chose their colleague’s daughter.

Public administration
RS Railways Pays Slackers Too

The Republika Srpska is borrowing millions to decrease the number of RS Railways workers. At the same time the company keeps jobs for employees who don’t even show up for work.

Public administration
Incompatible Offices of Telecom’s Directors

Mirza Ganić might be in a conflict of interest, serving as both director of the Zenica division of the public company BH Telecom, and as a legislator in the Federation of BiH House of Representatives.  No agency in the entity can establish if those two positions are officially incompatible.

Public administration
Family Business in Public Enterprise

For years, HT Eronet and BH Telecom have hired members of governing parties and relatives of employees without advertising jobs. FBiH looked the other way, which meant that most citizens did not get equal employment opportunities.


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