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Category: Politicians’ Assets

Subsidizing Minister Lijanović’s Business

During Jerko Ivanković Lijanović’ four-year term, the FBiH Ministry of Agriculture has allocated 2.8 million KM to persons and firms connected to the minister’s family. No agency has called it a conflict of interest or called for a sanction.

Politicians' Assets
Čović’s Rich Father-in-law

Dragan and Bernadica Čović have received most of the property the couple owns either as gifts or as purchases they made before 2003. After police started investigating Čović, his wife started buying property in family’s name — and receiving gifts.

Politicians' Assets
Cushy Job After Severance

Former legislators continue their careers in public administration managerial positions. They get new jobs most often after first collecting their full severance pay.

Politicians' Assets
Property Holdings of Politicians

While the number of unemployed in Bosnia and Hezegovina is on the increase, the property riches of numerous office holders in the executive and legislative government is on the increase.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.