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Category: Politicians’ Assets

Politicians' Assets
Cushy Job After Severance

Former legislators continue their careers in public administration managerial positions. They get new jobs most often after first collecting their full severance pay.

Politicians' Assets
Property Holdings of Politicians

While the number of unemployed in Bosnia and Hezegovina is on the increase, the property riches of numerous office holders in the executive and legislative government is on the increase.

Politicians' Assets
The Former Head of UIO BiH Owns a Million in Assets

During the seven years he was at the top of Indirect Taxation Authority, Kemal Čaušević bought nine apartments and offices plus 20,000 square meters of land. His income during that time does not come close to the cost of the investment, but he told reports that he’s been making money since 1986.

Zavala: Cape Corruption

First Bank loan funds were used in illegal construction on Cape Zavala and a waterpark that never happened. Both projects were linked to ruling party vice president and former President of Serbia and Montenegro Svetozar Marovic and members of his family.

Saving the Bank at Any Cost

Despite the advice of the World Bank, the government of Montenegro refused to seize the bank controlled by the family of former Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic even though a low interest loan hung in the balance. Instead, it spent two years trying to remove government funds from the ailing bank.


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