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CIN Wins BiH Journalists’ Association Award

The 2021 Best Journalist of the Year Award presented to the Center for Investigative Reporting.

The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) received the 2021 Best Journalist of the Year Award from the Association of Journalists of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

In addition to CIN, the Lifetime Achievement Award went to writer and journalist Ratko Orozović. Al Jazeera Balkans received the award in the category of TV journalism, the director of Radio of the Una-Sana Canton Gorica Bukić was named the journalist of the year, while Almedin Šišić, editor-in-chief, and journalist of Inforadar, received an award in the category of journalistic articles.

Two special awards were presented to Hasan Arnautović, a cameraman from Bihać, and to the Guerrilla portal from Banja Luka.

Journalist awards were presented today at an event in Bihać. This is the 26th award ceremony organized by the Association of Journalists of BiH.

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