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CIN wins UK grant

British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to support Center's work

The British Embassy in BiH has awarded the Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo (CIN) a grant to support investigative reporting in BiH. The one-year grant will enable CIN reporters to continue producing independent investigative journalism for the people of BiH.

“We are grateful to the Government of Great Britain for its support, which will enable us to continue our work and to help BiH citizens understand what is really going on in our country,” said Leila Bičakčić, Managing Director of CIN.

“The Center will work on stories about corruption and organized crime, subjects that the media is not very eager to delve into. The British Embassy funding will help us do this hard job without hindrance,” said Svjetlana Ćelić, Deputy Managing Editor.

CIN is a local, independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping the people of BiH get the news they need to make informed decisions about the issues that are important to BiH. It was founded in 2004 as a joint project of the New York University Department of Journalism and the Journalism Development Group LLC.

Readers’ support helps CIN reveal corruption and organized crime.
Your donation supports investigative journalism as a public good.





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