Tag: judiciary

Novčane kazne i opomene sudijama i tužiocima za uskraćenu pravdu
Fines and Warnings for Judges and Prosecutors Over Denied Justice
In 2024, the HJPC's disciplinary commissions concluded proceedings against 23 judges and prosecutors, primarily for unjustified delays, misconduct, and negligence—...
Rising Number of Disciplined Judges And Prosecutors
Last year, the HJPC imposed measures on 33 judges and prosecutors, most often salary cuts. In 15 proceedings, the lawsuits were rejected or the proceedings were...
State Prosecutor Not Declaring All the Assets
State prosecutor Vedrana Mijović and her husband Danko bought five properties in 13 years, and she has not declared some of them to the HJPC. Even though this institution...
Lenient Sanctions for Judges’ and Prosecutors’ Mistakes
They kept evidence in their offices or failed to write verdicts and send convicts to prison, but judges and prosecutors guilty of such mistakes received lenient...
Corrupt Public Officials Buy Freedom Cheaply
Those sentenced to short prison sentences in BiH can buy their way out. Corrupt officials and others have been quick to do this then return to jobs where they broke...
Judge Fazlagić Disinherited Holocaust Victims
Houses, apartments and business premises of Sarajevo Jews who died in the Holocaust were transferred to new owners, thanks to the illegal rulings of a judge who,...
Novčane kazne i opomene sudijama i tužiocima za uskraćenu pravdu
Fines and Warnings for Judges and Prosecutors Over Denied Justice
Rising Number of Disciplined Judges And Prosecutors
State Prosecutor Not Declaring All the Assets
Lenient Sanctions for Judges’ and Prosecutors’ Mistakes
Corrupt Public Officials Buy Freedom Cheaply
Judge Fazlagić Disinherited Holocaust Victims

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