Tag: prosecution

Foto: Dženat Dreković (CIN)
The Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office Checking Prointer Forgeries For Three Years
After three years of investigation, the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office has concluded that the document forgery in tenders by Prointer ITSS, previously reported...
Karišik’s Nest in Hadžibajrić’s Markale Project
The business partner of former Municipality of Stari Grad mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić secretly furnished two luxury apartments in a new building near the Markale market,...
NASLOVNA_Ibrahim Hadzibajric
Former Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić Faces Serious Corruption Charges
Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, the ex-mayor of Stari Grad Municipality, stands accused of allegedly conspiring with friends and relatives to form a criminal group. Among their...
Former Minister and Lager Company Director Acquitted of Criminal Charges
Former Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Environmental Protection of the West Herzegovina Canton (ZHK), Ivan Topić, and the director of the company...
Abdulah Skaka
The Former Sarajevo Mayor Abdulah Skaka Arrested
Abdulah Skaka, former mayor of Sarajevo and ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Qatar, was arrested on charges of abuse of position during recruitment and other...
Naslovna_Plata u koverti
Workers Trapped In A Vicious Circle of Blue Envelopes
Businessman Abdulah Avdagić from Tuzla has been paying employees cash in envelopes for years. The employees claim it is the salary to which no taxes have been paid,...
Lenient Sanctions for Judges’ and Prosecutors’ Mistakes
They kept evidence in their offices or failed to write verdicts and send convicts to prison, but judges and prosecutors guilty of such mistakes received lenient...
Father and Five Sons Under Investigation
Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) requested jail for seven persons including a father and five sons accused of smuggling illegal immigrants through...
[:hr]Suđenje Turkoviću: Simulacija bolesti radi izostanka sa suđenja
Čović Acquitted of Abuse of Office Charges
Today, a Panel of Judges of the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo acquitted Dragan Čović, the president of the Croatian Democratic Union of abuse of office charges in the...
Prosperitet za utajivače poreza
Prosperity for Tax Evaders
Even though it had been proved at the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina that three major wholesale firms evaded paying taxes of at least 1.1 million KM between 2003...
New Indictment against Dragan Čović
The Cantonal Court in Sarajevo has an eight-day deadline to confirm it or toss it out.
Foto: Dženat Dreković (CIN)
The Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office Checking Prointer Forgeries For Three Years
Karišik’s Nest in Hadžibajrić’s Markale Project
NASLOVNA_Ibrahim Hadzibajric
Former Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić Faces Serious Corruption Charges
Former Minister and Lager Company Director Acquitted of Criminal Charges
Abdulah Skaka
The Former Sarajevo Mayor Abdulah Skaka Arrested
Naslovna_Plata u koverti
Workers Trapped In A Vicious Circle of Blue Envelopes
Lenient Sanctions for Judges’ and Prosecutors’ Mistakes
Father and Five Sons Under Investigation
[:hr]Suđenje Turkoviću: Simulacija bolesti radi izostanka sa suđenja
Čović Acquitted of Abuse of Office Charges
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