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Category: News

Following CIN's investigation
Businessman Žilo On Trial For Fraud During The Pandemic

Sead Žilo from Zenica is accused of defrauding Emir Begović from Gračanica to whom he promised to sell surgical face masks during the coronavirus pandemic. Begović made a down payment but never received the masks, as CIN previously reported.

Following CIN's investigation
U.S. Visa Trader Ajša Ramić Arrested

Ajša Ramić from Visoko and Naida Mehanović from Sarajevo were arrested in the police operation “Tin” on suspicion of being involved in human trafficking. CIN wrote about Ramić and her partner from the USA taking passports and money from BiH citizens to allegedly procure them U.S. Visas – while they had no cooperation with the U.S. Embassy, and in return, they provided them with falsified documents.

Following CIN's investigation
Kemal Čaušević Acquitted Of Money Laundering But Will Lose BAM 1.72 Million In Proceeds of Crime To Be Confiscated From Him

While acquitted of charges of money laundering, the first instance conviction against Kemal Čaušević, the former director of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) for receiving a gift was upheld, for which he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. The proceeds of BAM 1.7 million shall be confiscated from Čaušević.

Zoran Čegar Sentenced For Threatening CIN Reporter

The Municipal Court in Dubrovnik rendered the first instance judgment sentencing the police officer Zoran Čegar to a prison sentence for threatening a CIN reporter. The sentence will not be enforced if Čegar does not reoffend within two years after the decision becomes final.

Zoran Čegar Indicted For Threatening Reporter

The indictment against him was filed in Croatia due to the threats addressed to a CIN reporter in October last year before the Municipal Court in Dubrovnik. He is already on trial before this court on charges of fraud.

Rising Number of Disciplined Judges And Prosecutors

Last year, the HJPC imposed measures on 33 judges and prosecutors, most often salary cuts. In 15 proceedings, the lawsuits were rejected or the proceedings were suspended. These are main conclusions from the Office from the Disciplinary Counsel’s Annual Report 2022.


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