Sarajevo policemen work without protection while expensive body armor collects dust in a warehouse. This is the outcome of a public procurement worth BAM 861 thousand, in which neither the police administration nor the vendor did a good job.
Sarajevo policemen work without protection while expensive body armor collects dust in a warehouse. This is the outcome of a public procurement worth BAM 861 thousand, in which neither the police administration nor the vendor did a good job.
The former manager of the “Otoka Olympic Swimming Pool” wasted tens of thousands of BAM of the Sarajevo taxpayers’ money on the search for water that was not found. During his term of office, he also collected about BAM 20,000 in fees to which he was not entitled.
The company “Prointer ITSS” applied for a public tender to manage the systems fed with personal data of almost one million citizens in the Federation of BiH, submitting forged documentation.
Police agencies have adopted internal rules thanks to which only one company, KM Trade from Visoko, has been winning tenders for the purchase of uniforms for years. Specific conditions forestall domestic manufacturers and distributors whose uniforms are being worn by police officers from a dozen European countries from applying to tenders.
Justice institutions are investigating the operations of the company Lager from Posušje due to deals worth around four million BAM. The company has been suspected of delivering altered machines to customers instead of new ones.
By favoring of authorities, the company Lager from Posušje was awarded concessions for the exploitation of natural resources in BiH, but it does not fully honor its obligations and it owes concession fees.
The bigger part of the money from a cross-border project on development of firefighting capacity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Montenegro was spent on seminars and similar activities. There was not enough money left to buy much-needed protective boots for firefighters.
Zbog pogrešnih odluka državnog Ureda za razmatranje žalbi, institucijama i javnim preduzećima naloženo je da isplate najmanje šest miliona KM privatnim firmama.
Former councillor Savo Lalović’s firm Marvel received at least 5.4 million KM worth of public works contracts. After signing contracts, additional works were approved increasing the initial price.
Certain money used for the 2013 acquisition of Bosnalijek shares, through a Sarajevo-branch of Sberbank, was of questionable provenance.
A public call for histopathological testing in Sarajevo stipulated that only private clinics could compete. Only one had a license to do this type of analysis.
After Sebija Izetbegović was appointed manager of General Hospital, she outsourced histopathological testing to a private clinic of a friend who did the work for nearly triple the old price.
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Sarajevo is unique in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the first organization of its kind to be established in Balkans. CIN is dedicated to investigative reporting, aimed toward providing fair and unbiased information, based on evidences and solid proof, to BiH citizens who need to make educated decisions.
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