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Category: Stories

Judges treat domestic abusers leniently

Branko Dobranić was convicted of sexually abusing teen-age relatives but judges went easy on him in sentencing. Activists say abusers frequently get lenient treatment from police, prosecutors and judges.

A case of extreme domestic violence

The murder of one unhappy wife at the hands of her husband shows why domestic violence still flourishes. Women, especially if their husbands have money, find little sympathy for their complaints and if they rebel even their own relatives see it as reasonable that they should be punished. Legally, husbands who hurt their wives are dealt with leniently.

Prosecutors shy away from Elektrobosna

For seven years, prosecutors got tips and information from outraged workers and former officials urging them to act against criminal activity within Elektrobosna. Federation financial police found that the complaints had merit. Yet, with the company now in financial collapse, no prosecutor ever went to court in the case.

Looking into the investigation of a judge

Bosnian state court authorities say they vindicated former international Judge Gerald Gahima of the War Crimes Chamber of any wrong-doing in his native Rwanda, but they won’t say how they had the authority to decide law in another country or just how they went about making their determination of innocence.

BiH May Have to Wait for War Crimes Money

On Friday, representatives from more than 30 countries will meet in Brussels to discuss a request by the BiH government for €43 million to continue funding the State Court of BiH, which oversees the War Crimes Chamber and for a new prison.

Electrobosna owners struggle for company

A new chapter in the century long saga of Elektrobosna opened when a Bosnian businessman living in Germany wrestled control of the bankrupt company this year from the Croatian businessman financial police suspect tried to gut it. CIN looks at the power struggle that helped turn one of Bosnia”s brightest hopes into a financial disaster.

Energy trading master mixes skill and boldness

His former business partners do not talk about Vuk Hamović, and he refused to answer most questions about his life asked by the Center for Investigative Reporting. But records and interviews show much about Hamović’s remarkable rise, his business sense and flair which appeared early, and his ease associating with politicians and businessmen internationally.


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