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Category: Stories

Public administration
BiH has pledged to reform and improve higher education, but it hasn’t done much

Two years after Bosnia and Herzegovina joined a European-wide effort to reform, improve and unify universities, the country ranks dead-last among 45 participants in reaching that goal. Higher education in BiH remains under-funded and over politicized. Professors too often teach boring classes and do little research. Students increasingly are moving to private colleges – or to classes in other countries.

War crime suspects have trouble getting best defense and thus fair trials in BiH

As the War Crimes Chamber in the State Court of BiH gears up to prosecute accused war criminals, lawyers whose job it is to defend the accused say the system is not fair. They say they are hampered by inadequate resources, poor pay and legal restrictions that have driven away many lawyers. The problems could mean that the fair trials will never happen in the chamber that has yet to gain the trust of the public.

Public administration
Saving the Tunnel that Saved Sarajevo

A lifeline into and out of a city under siege a decade ago, a tunnel beneath the Sarajevo airport forgotten by residents and snubbed by officials as a historical memorial, has nevertheless become an unlikely magnet for tourists.

Public administration
Foreign directors benefit from Bosnian film funds

As the Sarajevo Film Festival, which brings worldwide attention to the work of regional filmmakers, wound down this weekend, some BiH filmmakers were asking why most of this year”s limited funding from the Film Foundation went to Croatian directors.

Gahima Follow 2

For the second time in two weeks, an international judge has announced that he is leaving the new BiH War Crimes Chamber. Top court official Branko Peric is worried about these departures will weaken public faith in the judiciary and he says it is time for Bosnians to take over more power from foreign authorities in the selection of their international judges.

Protecting witnesses from their neighbors

Court officials and others say witness protection is the biggest challenge facing the court system. And while the Court of BiH’s new War Crimes Chamber has a program for protecting witnesses during trials, most war criminals will be tried in district and cantonal courts that have virtually no protection at all.


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