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Sabina Ćudić je od 2014. godine bila zastupnica Naše stranke u kantonalnom i federalnom parlamentu, a od 2022. je zastupnica u državnom parlamentu (Foto: CIN)

February, 3th 2025

MP Sabina Ćudić purchased an apartment in Sarajevo and a property in Počitelj for just over half a million marks within two years. She says that the funds for these investments came from the sale of her previous apartment and loans.

In mid-2024, Sabina Ćudić, a rep of Naša stranka in the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, purchased a house and land in Počitelj, near Čapljina, together with her brother’s wife. They paid BAM 200,000 for the 646-square-meter property.

“This is a housing loan with a 10-year repayment period. It’s a loan for joint ownership with my brother’s family to buy an old stone ruin in Herzegovina…”

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