Tag: properties

Stranke prisvojile državnu imovinu
Parties Appropriated State Property
Political parties have been able to use or buy state buildings and profit from renting the space because of minimal regulation of BiH property.
Kandidati prikrili prihode i nekretnine
Nominees Hide Income and Assets
Data from politicians’ asset cards cannot be trusted. They often do not report all their income and holdings because there is no punishment for deception and hiding...
Dodik Triput veća rata nego plata
Dodik: Three Times Higher Installments than Salary
RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik publicly admitted that he has two apartments and a villa in Belgrade even though he previously said he would sell the apartment...
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire
Dragan Mikerević, deputy at the RS Parliament, has acquired great wealth. A former farmer, he became a millionaire with assets in BiH and abroad.
NASLOVNA ilustracija_ Rovinj_Zlatko Lagumdzija
Million Property Swap of Zlatko Lagumdžija
The Valuable Property Holdings of Faris Gavrankapetanović
Stranke prisvojile državnu imovinu
Parties Appropriated State Property
Kandidati prikrili prihode i nekretnine
Nominees Hide Income and Assets
Dodik Triput veća rata nego plata
Dodik: Three Times Higher Installments than Salary
Od zemljoradnika do milionera
From Farmer to a Millionaire
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