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The BiH Football Officials Found Guilty

Munib Ušanović and Miodrag Kureš sentenced to a 5 years in prison.

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) handed down a first instance verdict against Munib Ušanović and Miodrag Kureš, officials of the BiH Football Association. They have been sentenced to a 5-year prison sentence for the abuse of office and tax evasion.

The court ordered the forfeiture of illegal gain Ušanović and Kureša have collected while they have committed their crimes of abuse of office or authority to the tune of 248,147 KM and €42,110.

The Court has also ruled that these officials shall not be allowed to hold any management positions in the five years following the final and binding decision and after they have served the sentence.

The Secretary General of the Football Association Ušanović and the Finance and Marketing Secretary Kureš ‘have been found guilty because in the period between Jan. 1, 2001 and May 31, 2005, they took advantage of their office and failed to execute their official duties, with the intention of acquiring illegal gain for themselves and people who are known to them, by helping themselves to the Association’s petty cash fund without the credible reason and documentation, and have lined their pockets with cash in the combined amounts of 248,147 KM and €42,110’ according to the Court’s press release.

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