A protected area is a geographic area under national protection because of its natural, biological, cultural or historical resources so that it can be protected from various types of human pressure and degradation. There are 46 protected areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), of which 34 are in Republika Srpska, 12 are in the Federation of BiH, while Brčko District has yet to declare an area under protection. On top of those, three sites in BiH have been declared as protected under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. Reporters from the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Sarajevo have collected information about these areas and put them together in a database. Along with the basic information about the area, the database features information about what makes each area special; what are allowed and prohibited activities in the area; links to decisions that proclaim the area protected as well as photos.

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Ključna riječ

representative and attractive geomorphological and landscape features, the most prominent of which is the limestone massif called Crvene stijene with over 100 meters high cliffs.…

The main value of the Nature Park is Trebević mountain with several medium-height ridges. As a result of tectonic movements, Trebević has exceptional morphological diversity. The high ridges are predominantly sharp and jagged, and the valleys between them are slightly rounded.…

The main values of the “Tara” Nature Park are the gorge-canyon Tara River with numerous rapids, waterfalls, and cascades, vivid landscapes, diverse eco-systems and habitats, and relict and endemic plants.…

Trava iva [mountain germander] (Latin name: Teucrium montanum) is the basic value of the protected habitat.…

Public Forestry Enterprise “Šume Republike Srpske” [Forests of Republika Srpska], Šumsko gazinstvo “Jahorina”, Pale…

U ovom zaštićenom području utvrđene su dvije zone − prva zona obuhvata izvore rijeke Bosne i njihovu okolinu, a drugu zonu čini prostor slivnog područja izvora u podnožju Igmana.…

The unique value of the nature park is the gorge-canyon valley of the river Prača with the caves Govještica and Banja Stijena, which abound with underground karst relief forms.…

Bardača wetland and archeological site “Donja Dolina” are located on the northeast of “Lijevče field, between the Sava river in the North and the Vrbas river in the south.…

This is a forest complex in the close vicinity of Laktaši downtown. It consists of the natural association of Sessile Oak with other deciduous trees. It can be characterized as a light deciduous forest with a noted variety of levels and numerous plant and animal species.…

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