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Category: Public administration

Public administration
Nothing for Something

Newspaper ads promising easy college degrees seemed too good to be true. As it turns out, the degrees are legal, but mostly worthless.

Public administration
FBiH Railroad: Privatizing the Profits

The part of the FBiH Railroad that operates the trains and lucrative freight business has been privatized for a small fraction of its worth. But railroad officials have not bothered to tell anyone. The move deprives the people of BiH money back from their huge investment planned for the railroad to fix tracks and other decaying infrastructure.

Public administration
Education Ministry Gives Licenses Arbitrarily

The RS planned to more tightly control a proliferation of private schools by applying a uniform set of rules. A look at the licenses granted and denied this school year shows that personal contacts and politics can change the way those rules are applied.

Public administration
Railroad Debts Likely to Cost Taxpayers

Olako trošenje, nepotrebni krediti i kupovina skupih putničkih i teretnih vagona mogli bi građane BiH ostaviti u dugovima koje će godinama vraćati umjesto željeznica koje još uvijek ne ispunjavaju svoju ulogu.

Public administration
Passengers Scorn BiH Trains

Vozeći se vozom iz Sarajeva za Zagreb novinari CIN-a razgovarali sa putnicima koji su se žalili na prljave vozove, česta kašnjenja i lošu uslugu.

Railways Derailed

  Story 1: Railroads in Management Upheaval The removal of two senior managers is a new battle in the war for RS Railways. ►MORE    Story

Former policemen now behind bars

Of 16,600 policemen in Bosnia and Herzegovina, only one is serving time on corruption charges. Polls, however, show that police are seen as one of the most corrupt of the country’s institutions.

A murder the police could have prevented

Armin Gazibara was called in by his boss for aggressive behavior, for brawling, and for harassing a family. But he remained a member of the Sarajevo police force for more than two years. Then he murdered his girlfriend.


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Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.