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Category: Public administration

Public administration
Running under a cloud

Political party leaders don’t see any problem with running candidates under suspicion of public corruption. The voters can decide if they don’t like a candidate and courts will eventually rule on the validity of charges.

Public administration
Consumers don’t get much protection in BIH

If you have a complaint about the quality of the food you eat, you can tell the person who served it that you are not happy, but that’s about it. Consumer protection is mostly an illusion because NGOs are broke and disorganized, inspectors are too busy and courts are overburdened.

Public administration
Flamboyant businessman opens a private school in a private city

Slobodan Pavlović, a Bosnian Serb immigrant to America, enrolled in a Chicago university while working in a factory and earned a degree that helped him to make a fortune as a real estate executive. At the height of the 1990s war, he returned to his homeland to begin building a business empire – including the largest private university in the country: Slobomir University. But Pavlović is also controversial figure with a criminal and political past and a penchant for winning financially in his good deeds. We take an in-depth look at his controversial past and his current business practices.

Public administration
Private schools are springing up as an alternative to public faculties

BiH students increasingly are turning to private institutions as an alternative to public universities These schools say they are gaining enrollment because they offer what too few public schools are: updated teaching methods and equipment and partnerships with other schools internationally. However, there is no system to tell the bad schools from good ones and employers don’t really trust the private schools yet.

Public administration
Professors in power

BiH has been unable to pass a unified law on higher education. It is not as if lawmakers don”t understand the problem. Academics are well represented in the top political ranks of the country and of both entities.

Public administration
Paying for passing grades and seats in a class accepted as a way of life

Polls and surveys show that students believe over-whelmingly that their universities are dishonest places where students must pay to pass exams and money-hungry professors can get away with working two or more jobs. A curious acceptance and silence about wrong-doing may prevent improvements many want to see.


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Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.