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Category: Stories

Ilustracija: Željko Todorović (CIN)
Politicians' Assets
Secret Wealth of Sarajevo Mayor Ibrahim Hadžibajrić

The former mayor of the Stari Grad Municipality in Sarajevo began investing in real estate in Bosnia and Croatia after leasing public parking lots to his friend Elmedin Karišik. Correspondence on the Sky app reveals that Karišik looked after Hadžibajrić’s properties, his money, and luxury cars.

Nazovi Bega radi parkinga
Politicians' Assets
Call The Bey For Car Park

Former mayor of Sarajevo’s oldest municipality, Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, leased several public car parks in the tourist center of the city to his friends, striking deals that would render his son a millionaire.

Notarized Crime

At least six notaries in BiH were convicted in the past seven years for misconduct in public office, falsification of documents, and endangering security. Based on the verdicts, which are not yet final, two notaries got out of the service.

“Grey Cash Register” in Jahorina

Aparthotel Vučko in Jahorina has been keeping a “parallel ledger” to hide the real income from apartment rentals and restaurant operations, thus avoiding paying tax and tourist tax for guests.

“Vučko” Made Off With Millions From State Land

Falsified documents, deceived partners, and millions in debt – these all were the controversies that for decades followed the construction and operations of the Vučko Hotel complex in Jahorina managed by father and son Prović. The municipal authorities made it possible for them to misappropriate state land, while the Entity authorities gave them millions in loans, which are now being repaid by Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time, the Prović family hid millions in profit.


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