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Category: Stories

Crime Without Borders

The border between BiH and Serbia is not an obstacle for criminals, but an opportunity for profit from smuggling narcotics, stolen cars or livestock in whichand law enforcement members take part.

Bought International Awards to Show Off at Home Turf

The Institutions, private firms and individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia have been receiving the awards from Oxford-based European Business Assembly (EBA) for years. The awards are pitched as outstanding results achieved in a prestigious competition. However, the reporters from the Center for Investigative Reporting in Sarajevo and Belgrade (CIN/CINS) found that lucrative business is behind awards ceremonies.

Stolen Cars Rot at a Police Depot

The owners of stolen cars found at the scrap yard of Mate Šimić, are waiting for years to be informed about the fate of their cars. The court has ordered the stolen cars to be returned to a scrap yard where they were seized.

Public administration
Pot for the Poor is Welfare to Legislators

Federation Vice-Prime Minister Lijanović gave out budget money earmarked for emergencies and unplanned costs to members of his People’s Party Work for Betterment.

Loans to Employers, Debts to Citizens

Sarajevo Canton has given employment loans to firms for years, but some spent the money without employing anyone. Employment Bureau officials say that these programs aren’t going to be repeated soon. However, the combined debt of the firms to the Canton taxpayers to date is 2.5 million KM.

Workers on a Powder Keg

Employees of two weapons factories in BiH say that their directors ordered them to violate safety rules for disassembling and transporting explosive devices. Binas in Bugojno is storing some 221,000 explosive devices in warehouses, some in very bad condition.

Politicians' Assets
The Former Head of UIO BiH Owns a Million in Assets

During the seven years he was at the top of Indirect Taxation Authority, Kemal Čaušević bought nine apartments and offices plus 20,000 square meters of land. His income during that time does not come close to the cost of the investment, but he told reports that he’s been making money since 1986.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.