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Category: Stories

The Double Life Of Officer Čegar

The head of the FBiH Uniformed Police, Zoran Čegar, was accused of fraud in Croatia. Part of his property in Bosnia and Herzegovina was acquired illegally. CIN reveals that based on a falsified documents he took possession of other people’s real estate.

The American Dream Turning Into A Nightmare

Ajša Ramić from Visoko and Merjem Mirsada Veladžić from Florida promised dozens of BiH citizens an easy way to an American visa. They took about US $140 thousand from them, giving them false hope and falsified documents in return.

Public administration
A Dry Hole Soaking Up Sarajevans’ Money

The former manager of the “Otoka Olympic Swimming Pool” wasted tens of thousands of BAM of the Sarajevo taxpayers’ money on the search for water that was not found. During his term of office, he also collected about BAM 20,000 in fees to which he was not entitled.

State Prosecutor Not Declaring All the Assets

State prosecutor Vedrana Mijović and her husband Danko bought five properties in 13 years, and she has not declared some of them to the HJPC. Even though this institution requires judges and prosecutors to declare their assets, they are not legally bound to do so because for two and a half years there have been no rules on the submission of financial statements.

Money Over Dignity Of The Profession

In five years, at least nine lawyers in Bosnia and Herzegovina were convicted of abuse of position, abuse of trust of clients, and document forging. Six were banned from practicing law.

Millions Through A Power Of Attorney

Emina Begić, a lawyer from Bugojno, is accused of abusing clients’ trust, embezzling their money, and forging documents. Although the Bar Association can suspend her until the trial is over, she is still working.

Politicians' Assets
Čović’s Father-in-law Generous To A Fault

Retired miner Blago Prskalo donated valuable real estate in Mostar, Zagreb, and Makarska to his daughters Mirjana Perić and Bernadica Čović. This is how the Čović couple acquired the property after the investigations and court disputes against the HDZBiH president.


Anonimna prijava

Svojim anonimnim prijavama doprinosite integritetu naše zajednice. Molimo vas da iskoristite ovu formu kako biste sigurno prijavili bilo kakvu sumnju u korupciju ili nezakonitu aktivnost koju primijetite. Vaša hrabrost ključna je za očuvanje naših vrijednosti i promicanje transparentnosti.