Svjetlana Ćelić (CIN)

Life After Rape
Many children in Bosnia and Herzigovina born after rape in war don’t know the truth about their origins like the 61 children CIN found.
Radnici na buretu baruta
Workers on a Powder Keg
Employees of two weapons factories in BiH say that their directors ordered them to violate safety rules for disassembling and transporting explosive devices. Binas...
The Murder or Suicide of Judge Trbojević
A prominent judge’s suicide four years ago was a murder, says her son and daughter. The evidence that it was a suicide is based in part on the work of forensic expert...
Negotiating the Truth
A man who says his wife committed suicide served five years for murder. His conviction was based on evidence given by forensic experts, who the defendant’s father...
Changing Facts:The Dujaković Case
Tomislav Dujaković was by all accounts not a nice man, but when the village farmer died at the hands of his son, it started a series of versions of events that...
Tainted Testimony
Family members allege that the RS’s leading forensic expert has asked for bribes to help their family members get out of trouble. The pathologist once admitted to...
Aluminum Tender in Trouble
The director of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Privatization (APF) has called the three bids for the Aluminij d.d. Mostar deeply flawed and...
Who wants to own Mostar Aluminij?
The history of the privatization of Mostar Aluminij reflects the complexity and troubles BiH has faced over the past decade. At issue is who really owns the countries...
Mostar’s place on the list of World Heritage sites could be in danger if promises are not kept
It took years of effort, but at a contentious July meeting in South Africa, Mostar's Old Town was finally added to the United Nation's World Heritage List, giving...
Life After Rape
Radnici na buretu baruta
Workers on a Powder Keg
The Murder or Suicide of Judge Trbojević
Negotiating the Truth
Changing Facts:The Dujaković Case
Tainted Testimony
Aluminum Tender in Trouble
Who wants to own Mostar Aluminij?
Mostar’s place on the list of World Heritage sites could be in danger if promises are not kept

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